Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bailout? Over Our Dead Bodies...

Wednesday, October 1

Just hours before the Senate vote on the $700 billion Bailout bill, Code Pink went to visit the offices of Senators Dodd, McCain, Obama and Reid to demand that they listen to the voice of their constituents, look at alternatives to the Bailout and to ask them why the Senate did not pass last week's $56 billion Economic Stimulus bill that could have helped the poor, the unemployed and the country's infrastructure.

A rousing rendition of "No Bailout" sung to the tune of the spiritual "Amen" entertained all within earshot of Code Pink. The band of Code Pink activists, dressed to represent the working people of our nation, started out in the offices of Senator Dodd. At noon on the day of the vote on this "crucial legislation" there were no copies of the bill in the office nor was there one posted to the internet. After some discussion with the staff in Senator Dodd's office it was clear that he needed to know that he could pass this bill "over our dead bodies!" and a short die-in followed. I suspect he got the message.

Code Pink next headed to the offices of Senator John McCain, Republican candidate for president. Again, the senator was asked look at alternatives to the Bailout, asked why the Senate did not pass last week's $56 billion Economic Stimulus bill that could have helped the poor, the unemployed and the country's infrastructure and once again, we were told that the Bailout was necessary and good and no, they didn't have a copy of this "vital bill". It was now 1 PM on the day of the vote and Code Pink had little choice but tell Senator McCain that they could pass the Bailout "over our dead bodies!"

Code Pink's last stop was to the offices of Senator Obama, Democratic candidate for president. Again we asked our questions and again we were not satisfied. We did, however, finally get a copy of the Bailout bill. With just hours to go before what might be a defining piece of legislation for our country, the people of the United states were given little time to read and discuss this bill. What else was Code Pink to do but let Senator Obama's office know that the Bailout bill could be passed "over our dead bodies!"

In each of the offices we visited, the phones were ringing off the hook with calls from constituents regarding this bill. In one office the calls were 100 "No" votes to every three "Yes." The American people and Code Pink are dying to be heard and today that's just what we did.

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